Manifesting Photographer Podcast Show Notes

The Secrets to Ranking #1 on Google: SEO for Photographers

May 7, 2024


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Manifesting Photographer Podcast Show Notes

Unleashing the Power of Blogging: Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs to Boost SEO and Online Visibility

In a digital age where content is king, and online visibility equates to business success, bloggers and creative entrepreneurs grapple with the ever-evolving challenges of staying relevant and discoverable. This deep dive into the strategies that can significantly enhance SEO and online visibility offers a unique perspective, drawn from a podcast dialogue between Emily Kim, a former Apple software engineer turned creative business educator, and Breeanna, host of the Manifesting Photographer Podcast. They dissect the intricacies of blogging, SEO optimization, and wielding one’s online presence as a powerful tool for business growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Blogging is a vital long-term strategy for SEO: Emily Kim shares her journey to the top of Google search results, emphasizing the importance of consistent, strategic blogging.
  • Website optimization is key to conversion: A high-ranking blog post is only as good as the website it directs to; a site must be well-designed to convert visitors to customers.
  • Repurposing content across platforms maximizes visibility: Emily discusses how blogging content can be used across various channels like Pinterest and Instagram to enhance online presence.

Embracing Blogging to Climb SEO Rankings

Blogging may seem obsolete in the rapidly shifting terrain of social media, but its value in driving SEO is undeniable. Emily’s transition from frequent Instagram posting to focusing on Google and referrals illuminates a fundamental truth: consistent blogging fortified her brand’s footprint on the internet. Emily counters the narrative that blogging is dead, arguing instead that it is an evergreen facet of a sound digital strategy. The expression “consistency is key” resonates here, with her describing how regularly posted blog content, tailored with SEO in mind, catapulted her business to the forefront of Google search results. The journey to SEO ranking success is not instantaneous, but rather a long-term commitment to strategic content creation. Entrepreneurs and creatives are encouraged to take the plunge and commit to a sustainable blogging schedule, whether that be weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.

“Really? Google and referrals… so surprising. So I was like, okay, well, I guess I don’t have to spend all this time on Instagram anymore.” — Emily

Nurturing Your Website for Ultimate Conversion

The symbiotic relationship between a blog and its parent website is crucial in leveraging the full potential of SEO. It’s not just about attracting visitors; it’s about compelling them to act. What’s above the fold on your website — the immediately visible content before scrolling — is pivotal for first impressions and SEO alike. The inclusion of one’s services and location sets the stage for how Google identifies and ranks a site. Emily stresses the importance of optimizing both aesthetic appeal and functional design, guiding users intuitively towards a conversion, such as filling out a contact form or scheduling a consultation. A robust and engaging website is the linchpin in the mechanism of online business success.

“If you have a killer SEO strategy…if your website isn’t capturing people’s attention…then you’re still not really going to see results from blogging.” — Emily

Repurposing Content Across Channels for Enhanced Reach

The art of content repurposing is central to broadening one’s online visibility. Emily Kim articulates a strategic approach to multi-platform content distribution, advocating for the use of a single blog post to create diverse pieces suitable for platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. This not only maximizes content but also targets various audiences where they are most active. Every blog post becomes a treasure trove of potential posts, carousels, and even email newsletter topics. Thus, the reach of a piece of content is extended infinitely beyond its initial publication.

“It’s my favorite way to find a new client.” — Emily

As we distill the insights from this discussion, it’s apparent that the cornerstone of an impactful digital presence lies in an amalgamation of strategic blogging, astute website optimization, and savvy content repurposing. The alchemy of these elements can catapult creative entrepreneurs into the limelight, securing their position as industry leaders in the digital age. The blend of technical SEO know-how and creative flair makes for a potent mix that promises sustained growth and heightened online visibility. Through these strategies, artists and business owners alike can forge lasting connections with their audiences, transforming casual browsers into loyal customers.

Notable Quotes:

  • “I committed to once a week blog posts […] you really just have to start and get your blogs out into the world.”
  • “SEO stands for search engine optimization. […] all it means is how people find your website on Google.”
  • “I treat my blog like my ever-evolving portfolio. And if you’re blogging all of your sessions, then you really have endless content.”
  • “The time of writing these beautiful novellas of your couple and their love story is really over.”
  • “What our ideal clients want to know is what did you, as the photographer, do for your clients?”


Tune in to the full episode for an in-depth understanding of SEO-optimized blogging for photographers and creative business owners. Emily’s expertise can drastically change the way you approach your online presence and website traffic.

About the Guest:

Emily Kim is an ex-Apple software engineer turned creative business educator based in Boston, MA. Over the last five years, she’s built a multi-six figure brand photography & videography business.

Now, Emily is combining her business expertise from her MBA, corporate experience at Apple, and her years of experience in photography to coach other photographers & creative business owners on how to build sustainable, profitable businesses.

BREEANNA KAY’S INSTAGRAM:  @breeannakayphotography



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