Manifesting Photographer Podcast Show Notes

Email Marketing for Photographers

April 30, 2024


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Manifesting Photographer Podcast Show Notes

In the world of photography and business, email marketing stands as a cornerstone for success and client engagement. The Manifesting Photographer Podcast, led by Breeanna, provides a wealth of knowledge for photographers eager to harness the full potential of email marketing. Through a candid coaching call with Kate, another entrepreneur in the field, Bree unravels a step-by-step blueprint for photographers to get started with their email marketing journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Email List Building: Understand various methods to entice subscribers like offering freebies, discounts, and utilizing different platforms for outreach.
  • Audience Segmentation: Learn the importance of organizing your email list into segments for targeted marketing and efficient communication.
  • Nurture Sequence: Discover the crucial role of a structured email workflow in warming up leads and guiding them down the purchase path.

Unlocking the Potential of Email Lists

The foundational step in email marketing is building a robust email list – an art that photographers must master to effectively market their services. Breeanna underscores this by elaborating on the diverse avenues to grow one’s subscriber base. She emphasizes creative incentives like “subscribe to this newsletter,” discounts, free guides, and leveraging social platforms. Quotes like, “The first step for beginning email marketing is obviously to get people on your email list,” highlight the critical nature of this initial hurdle. This task involves a blend of appeals across web and social mediums to connect with potential clients and fellow photographers.

Furthermore, Bree points out the efficacy of utilizing platforms like Pinterest, “because that is actually a search engine,” and tools such as manychat automations for streamlined processes. By emphasizing the need for a connection before conversion, she reinforces the idea that genuine engagement leads to a more substantial and responsive email list.

Audience Segmentation – The Art of Email Customization

After acquiring subscribers, segmenting them into relevant groups becomes paramount. Bree introduces the concept of audience segments within an email list, allowing for personalized marketing strategies. This customization fosters a relationship with subscribers by ensuring they receive content pertinent to their interests and needs.

Bree also says, “So if you’re doing a discount on your photography and then you plan to do your email marketing strictly to wedding photographers, then those two might not correlate.” Such insights accentuate the need for strategic alignment between the offers made to subscribers and the subsequent email content they receive. Creating different audience segments, each tied to bespoke offers and content, is a foundational strategy for a thriving email marketing initiative.

Crafting an Effective Nurture Sequence

A nurture sequence is a photographer’s steady hand guiding a potential client through the vast landscape of their offerings. It sets the stage for a flourishing relationship by familiarizing subscribers with what to anticipate from the photographer. Breeanna communicates this by delineating the necessity to design an engaging, trust-building series of emails following a subscription.

This approach is clarified with the line, “Your nurture sequence goes on for the span of…two weeks maybe…and they get emails from you periodically.” It’s about striking the right balance between persistence and patience, between showcasing one’s expertise and building an organic connection. Detailed in the nurture sequence are inspirations and education, laying terrain for a future where subscribers look forward to the photographer’s emails and are more inclined to engage with their services.

Recapping the Journey Toward Email Marketing Excellence The dialogue between Breeanna and Kate fosters a rich understanding of the intricacies of email marketing for photographers. Breeanna’s insights provide actionable steps for photographers to enrich their marketing strategies, from initial list building to advanced segmentation and nurturing leads. By implementing these techniques, photographers can create a personalized and engaging dialogue with their audience, ultimately guiding them towards a deeper connection and increased business opportunities.

These principles extend beyond just the realm of photography; they serve as universal tenets for any content creator or business owner hoping to connect with their audience on a personal level. Email marketing is not just about selling; it’s about storytelling, educating, and inspiring those who opt to receive your messages. With dedication and precision, any photographer can transform their passion into a thriving business through the power of email marketing.


  • Katelyn Kristine Photography Website
  • Katelyn Kristine Photography Instagram

    Engage with these insights and more by listening to the full episode of the “Manifesting Photographer Podcast.” 

About the Guest:

In this episode, the coaching call is with Kate, a rising talent in the realm of photography. Although she has not yet embarked on email marketing, Kate’s background includes nonprofit work and a keen interest in photography-related business development. She’s now looking into expanding her reach through email campaigns and is ready to dive into the marketing aspect of her craft.

BREEANNA KAY’S INSTAGRAM:  @breeannakayphotography



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