Getting Back to Basics: Simplifying Mental Health and Wellness

March 12, 2024


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Manifesting Photographer Podcast Show Notes

In an era where the buzz about mental health is both necessary and overwhelming, and the allure of hustle culture remains ever-potent, finding balance in life and work has never been more crucial. The recent podcast episode from Manifesting Photographer Podcast delves deep into this subject, featuring insights from therapist Cassidy, a professional who specializes in merging clinical expertise with a holistic approach to mental wellness.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hustle Anxiety Post-COVID: The shift to a work-from-home environment has exacerbated what Cassidy refers to as ‘hustle anxiety,’ with blurred lines between work and personal life leading to increased stress and burnout.
  • Setting Boundaries in Creative Industries: There’s a critical need for creatives and entrepreneurs, such as photographers, to set firm boundaries to avoid overextension, burnout, and a dissociation from their initial passion for their work.
  • The Importance of Inner Work: Delving into one’s values and aligning them with business practices is suggested as not only therapeutic but pragmatically beneficial to maintaining enthusiasm and authenticity in one’s work.

Hustle Anxiety in a Post-COVID World

Since the onset of COVID-19, the integration of work and personal life has become a complex juggling act, leaving many struggling to discern where one ends and the other begins. Cassidy, a licensed professional clinical counselor and licensed alcohol and drug counselor, identifies this as a spike in ‘hustle anxiety.’ She observes that “the hustle anxiety really jumped up a notch after Covid,” due to the difficulty of figuring out when to be on or off the clock while working from home.

This anxiety, she notes, isn’t just about overwhelming workloads; it’s a profound concern over setting and maintaining boundaries that protect one’s time and well-being. For therapists like Cassidy, the solution lies not merely in acknowledging the problem but in proactively setting work-life balances that respect both professional productivity and personal sanity.

Boundaries for Creative Entrepreneurs

In industries where workers are compelled to deliver constant creative output, setting boundaries is especially paramount. Breeanna, the host and a professional photographer, relates to the common struggle in her field, where practitioners often overcommit themselves without realizing the full extent of their workload. Here, Cassidy provides sage advice: “one of the things that I often talk about first and foremost with people is evaluating why in the first place boundaries are difficult for them.”

By evaluating the underlying reasons why boundaries are challenging to maintain, individuals can better navigate their professional commitments versus personal needs and thus prevent the inevitable burnout. For Cassidy, and indeed many entrepreneurs, recognizing when to say “yes” and understanding the importance of saying “no” is at the crux of sustainability in both business and personal health.

Inner Work and Its Impact on Creativity

While discussing the pressures on creatives to overextend themselves, Cassidy touches upon the necessity of inner work and self-reflection. Cassidy is soon to launch a workbook designed to reconnect individuals to their core values, which is vital to set meaningful goals and achieve them. This initiative emphasizes the importance of realigning one’s work with personal values, which maintains passion and authenticity in one’s business endeavors.

She stresses the need for such introspection in creative fields, where personal passion is often the drive behind entrepreneurship. When individuals take the time to evaluate, “why did I get into this in the first place?” they can reconnect with their initial motivation, potentially steering their businesses to a more fulfilling track and away from the superficial allure of hustle culture.

The widespread effects of hustle anxiety post-COVID, setting boundaries in creative industries, and the importance of inner work represent the enduring struggle for balance in today’s world. As we navigate the complex terrain of professional ambition and personal well-being, let us heed the insights of Cassidy—grounding ourselves in values, setting responsible limits, and engaging in continuous self-reflection. In doing so, we harness the ability to cultivate a life and career not just marked by success, but innervated by authentic joy and contentment.

Notable Quotes:

  • “Boundaries are meant for us to use to protect our energy, our space, and our values.”
  • “We don’t achieve the goals and intentions we set out to do when they’re not connected to what our values are right now.”
  • “Ultimately the business is the representation of where we’re at personally as much as it is professional.”
  • “We are accountability humans. We just do best when either we’re being competitive with the person next to us or competitive with ourselves.”


Listen to the full episode to gain more insights from Cassidy, whose experience and passion for holistic mental health practices truly resonate in today’s hustle-driven world. Stay tuned for more empowering content from the Manifesting Photographer podcast.

About the Guest:

Cassidy is a licensed professional clinical counselor (LPCC) and licensed alcohol and drug counselor (LADC) with a demonstrated commitment to holistic mental health. She currently practices as an independent contractor at a clinic in New Brighton, within the Twin Cities area, where a variety of services ranging from talk therapy to acupuncture is offered. With nine years of clinical experience, Cassidy specializes in drug and alcohol addiction and recovery, as well as treating individuals struggling with “hustle anxiety,” including people-pleasers, go-getters, and perfectionists. Additionally, she has a specific focus on the age group of 20 to 35.

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