my 30's are the best

My 30’s are the Best Yet – Here’s Why…

April 20, 2023


posted in:

Manifesting + Spirituality


My 30’s are the best decade yet, but I know that turning the big 3-0 has a lot of stigma attached to it. In fact, I was NOT excited to turn 30 myself. You’re no longer considered “young and fun” and feel like you are expected to have life figured out.

This might come as a shock, but my 30’s are my favorite decade of life so far! I feel more confident and secure in myself, my business, and most importantly, the people in my life. Here’s why:

I Have a Business I’m Passionate About

I’m doing exactly what I want to do, and the work itself is more fun and rewarding than ever before!

Having a business that I’m truly passionate about is an incredible feeling. It’s not just about the financial rewards, but also the personal fulfillment and sense of purpose that comes with doing something that I truly love. When I’m working on my business, time seems to fly by and I’m constantly energized by the challenges and opportunities that come my way. Whether it’s developing new products or services, connecting with customers, or growing my following, I’m deeply invested in every aspect of the business. Of course, there are always setbacks and obstacles to overcome, but my passion keeps me motivated and focused on achieving my goals.

Overall, having a business that aligns with my passions and values is one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had.

I’m More Confident in My Abilities and Myself as a Whole.

You’re not as afraid to go after what you want anymore. You know what you’re good at and what you’re not.

You also have a clearer understanding of who you are as a person now that the years of being young and trying on different personalities has passed. In my 20’s I was constantly changing who I was based on who I was dating or hanging out with at any given time. Now that I’m older and wiser (and hopefully more mature), my personality has settled into place in such a way where people can rely on certain things about me.

I Know Who My People Are

Knowing who your people are is one of the most underrated perks of being in your 30s. It’s awesome knowing that if something happens and you need someone to be there for you, they will show up without question or hesitation. When I was younger, I had friends who would bail on me at the last minute because something better came along (read: more alcohol). Nowadays, when someone invites me out and then cancels last minute because of something better coming along–like a hot date with their boyfriend–I get it! They’re not going anywhere! And neither am I!

I’m more confident in my abilities and am less self-critical than ever before. I know who my people are, so when they tell me I’m good at something or offer feedback on how they like my work, it feels genuine and meaningful.

This doesn’t mean that everyone has been replaced by a clone of themselves; rather, they’ve become more comfortable in their own skin while still maintaining integrity as individuals with unique interests and passions outside of mine (for example: my best friend loves motorcycles). What does this mean for me? More time spent laughing together over drinks instead of worrying about whether our friendship is falling apart due to conflicting schedules or priorities

… But I’m Also Comfortable Spending Time with Myself

You know what’s better than being alone? Being alone and feeling comfortable with it.

When I was younger, I was always looking for someone to fill the space in my life and to give me validation. But now I’m confident in who I am and what I want–and if that means being alone for a while, then so be it!

Now that I’m in my 30s and have had some time to grow up, though? I don’t need anyone else’s approval to make me feel good about myself. I can be happy on my own and am queen of eating out solo and 1 person work trips. While sometimes it’s nice to have someone there with me, other times it’s not a big deal at all if the only person around is me.

I Know Who I Am and What I Want

I have priorities that matter to me, and they’re not at all related to pleasing other people, making them happy or trying to look cool on the internet… although between you and me, I never really succeeded at that. It doesn’t matter whether or not someone else agrees with my choices, as long as I know they’re in alignment with my highest self.

This era of life has given me more confidence to ask for what I want and say no to the things that I don’t.

Saying no is hard. It’s one of those things that we often don’t want to do, but it’s also something we really have to learn how to do. If you’re anything like me, saying no feels like a betrayal of your own values and a rejection of others’ needs–and that can feel awful for everyone involved.

But there are times when saying yes is actually more hurtful than saying no: when your friend asks if she can crash with you for a few months because they spontaneously quit their job; when another friend asks if you can loan them money, but you know they never repay you… Sometimes these situations require us to just say no.

Conclusion – My 30’s Are the Best Yet

My 30’s are my favorite so far.

I’m confident in who I am and what I want, which has led to some major life changes. After years of searching for “the one,” I decided to focus on making myself happy instead, which eventually led me to my person. I’ve also gotten rid of toxic friends and relationships that weren’t serving me well–and learned how to stand up for myself when other people tried telling me what I should do. I’ve also taken risks so get here: quitting my accounting job and starting my own business; traveling solo around all over the US; moving across the country without knowing anyone there… and then moving closer to home when it was time a couple of years later.

My confidence has grown along with these changes: now when something goes wrong in life (and let’s face it–things always go wrong at some point), instead of feeling sorry for myself or beating myself up over it like before… I try to just take a deep breath and say “It will be okay. I’ve been through bigger and scarier in my life.”

If you’re in your 30’s and feeling like me, then good for you! You are doing great! I hope that this post has helped you to realize how awesome it is to be in your 30’s and also given some insight into what goes through my mind when I think about my life now. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being in this decade, it’s that we may have similar experiences but we may not all feel the same way about them. And that makes sense because at the end of the day–we’re just people trying our best out here on Earth.

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