minnesota — beyond

It's looking at your wedding gallery and film for the first time and knowing that the images capture people's souls. It's never understanding how beautiful you are until you can see yourself fully, completely immersed in all of the little moments on your wedding day.

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My hope is to make wedding days less about crossing items off of a shot list and more about being present in the real, raw and unposed moments.

documenting the moments that feel alive.

you can call me bree

Journal Prompts to Shift Your Mindset and Get Ready for Wedding Season as a Photographer

For Photographers, Manifesting + Spirituality

journal prompts for photographers


When I talk about mental health, I’m often met with skepticism. People say things like “Why do you need to take care of your mental health?” or “What does that even mean?” Well, when it comes down to it… my mental health is just as important as my physical health! Sure, I need to eat right and exercise regularly but that doesn’t mean that taking time for yourself isn’t equally important. And there are many ways you can do this! One way is by keeping a journal where you write down your thoughts daily. This helps keep you honest with yourself while also allowing you a way of reflecting on your day/season/month ahead of time so that you can plan accordingly (like setting intentions).

Since we’re heading into wedding season in the midwest, I wanted to leave you with a few journal prompts to help you avoid burnout and

Journal Prompt #1. What is one thing you are grateful for?

Journal Prompt #2. What is your intention for the month/day/week/wedding season (you pick)? Set a word that reflects your intention and check yourself daily to see if your actions reflect your intention.

Intention is the reason you are doing something. It’s not just about what you want to happen, but also how you want to feel.

For example, if I am going on a date with someone new and my intention for that night is “to have fun,” then throughout the evening I will be checking in with myself about how much fun I am having. If it’s not as much fun as I hoped or expected, then maybe my intention wasn’t clear enough (or maybe this person isn’t right for me). Or maybe my actions didn’t reflect my intention.

Journal Prompt #3. How are you feeling about yourself as an artist right now? What about your business?

Journal Prompt #4. What makes you feel inspired? Now, how can you incorporate this into your business this wedding season?

Journal Prompt #5. Lastly, if you were to block off dates on your calendar for personal time and fun, what would you do? Now, add these to your calendar and be sure to leave time to enjoy life outside of your business this season!

It’s important that photographers take some time off during wedding season so they can recharge their batteries and come back fresh in order to make the most out of their shoots. Taking breaks from shooting will also allow you some time with family or friends, which is also important when working as a photographer because it helps keep things in perspective (and keeps us sane).

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of wedding season, but it’s important to take a step back every now and then and remember why you started doing what you do in the first place.

If there are specific things that make me feel inspired (like traveling or spending time with family), I try to incorporate these into my schedule as much as possible! For example: if my goal is to travel more often during this busy season, then I will make sure that each month has at least one trip planned so that I can truly enjoy myself while still growing my business at home base.


I hope these prompts helped you to shift your mindset and get ready for wedding season as a photographer! If you have any questions about the process or want some more advice on how to handle stress during busy times, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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