imposter syndrome

Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It

May 25, 2023


posted in:

For Photographers


You’ve been in a creative rut for months. You’ve worked hard, but you still feel like you’re not quite where you should be. When you look around at your peers and coworkers, it seems like they’re all doing better than you are. You start doubting yourself and your abilities: Maybe I’m just not cut out for this job? But here’s the truth: You’re probably capable of much more than what people see on the surface. It’s normal to feel like an imposter sometimes (aka: imposter syndrome), but there are ways to overcome those feelings!

Having doubts about your own abilities is normal.

You’re not alone in your feelings of inadequacy, but it’s important to remember that having doubts about your own abilities is normal. Everyone has experienced some degree of imposter syndrome, and it doesn’t mean you’re weak or stupid. In fact, it can be a sign that you’re challenging yourself and learning new things–and these are two good things!

You might also find that other people don’t see the same things as an “imposter” that you do: they may think highly of your work or skillset because they’ve seen how much effort goes into them; or maybe others don’t care about what kind of job title someone has on their business card so long as they get results (and as long as those results are good).

Don’t just focus on what you don’t know.

The most important thing to do is focus on what you do know. It can be easy to get caught up in all the things you don’t know, but it’s important not to let your doubts get in the way of your success. Don’t worry about how much more experience or education other people have than you–it’s unlikely that everyone else has exactly the same level of knowledge as someone else, either! Instead, take advantage of opportunities that come up by asking questions and listening carefully when others share their experiences with you.

Find support from others who are also facing imposter syndrome or similar challenges.

The last thing you want is to feel like an imposter and then have everyone around you pointing out how much of a fraud you are. That’s why it’s important to find support from others who are facing similar challenges. You can do this in person, by asking a friend or family member if they’ve ever experienced imposter syndrome, or online through forums and communities such as Impostor Syndrome Institute or many other blogs and resources just like this one! You might even find yourself in the same boat as someone else–and that could be just what you need to overcome your own feelings of inadequacy!

Recognize when you need help.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never be afraid to ask for help. If there’s something that you need help with, ask! Don’t wait until you’ve exhausted all your options and run out of time before finally deciding that it’s okay to ask someone else for their expertise.

In order to overcome imposter syndrome, we need to recognize when we are struggling and reach out for assistance rather than waiting until our situation becomes untenable.

Ask for what you want and need, even if it feels uncomfortable.

When it comes to asking for help, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed or awkward. You’re not asking for something unreasonable–you’re simply reaching out and asking someone else to share their knowledge with you.

For example, if you need help writing a proposal for a new project at work, ask your boss (or whoever has the authority) if they’d be willing to meet with you one-on-one so that they can walk through how they want the proposal written. This way, both parties will benefit: Your boss gets what they want out of this process while also helping another employee grow as part of their team!

You’re capable of a lot more than you think!

Imposter syndrome is a term used to describe the feeling that you are not good enough, or that you’re somehow tricking people into thinking that. It’s important to remember that no one is perfect, and even if they seem like they are, it’s probably because they’ve worked hard at something and earned their skills.

You can do anything if you put your mind to it! Don’t let other people define who you are by what they think of your abilities–focus on what makes YOU awesome instead of focusing on all the things others have done better than YOU (even though those things might be completely unrelated).


I hope this post has helped you understand the importance of overcoming imposter syndrome. It’s not something that can be easily fixed, but with practice and time it will become easier for you to manage. Remember: You are not alone!

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