stress free elopement in italy

Elope Like a Boss:  A Wedding Photographer’s Guide to Ditching the Drama

December 15, 2023


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Your Go-To Guide for a Stress-Free Elopement When Family Doesn’t Get It

Picture this: a kickass elopement, just the two of you, surrounded by epic scenery, as you say your vows in the most authentic way possible. But hold up, not everyone might be on board with your elopement plans. No worries! In this guide, we’ll spill the tea on how to have a drama-free elopement, even when your loved ones might not be vibing with your choice. Buckle up, because we’re about to plan a chill and unforgettable elopement experience!

1. Keep the Lines of Communication Wide Open:

Start by having real talk with your fam and close friends, spilling the deets on why you’re opting for an elopement. Share why intimacy and doing things your way resonates with you. No shady business here! Let them know they’re still important to you and that they shouldn’t feel offended by your choice… it’s nothing personal! Now would also be good time to share how much you do value them and ways they can still be included leading up to, on the day of or after your elopement. By being open and honest, you can help them understand where you’re coming from and get their support.

2. Understand Where They’re Coming From (with a Side of Empathy):

Remember, not everyone will be like, “Yasss, elopement!” Some people have different traditions and visions for weddings. Time to whip out your empathy hat! Try to understand where they’re coming from. Listen to their concerns and reassure them that your elopement is all about celebrating your love in a way that feels real to you two.

3. Paint a Picture Worth a Thousand Words:

You need to show them what it is that draws you to the elopement world! Break out those Instagrammable photos and videos that capture the essence of what you’re planning. Paint a picture of fierce landscapes, intimate moments, and vibes that make your heart sing. Get them in the know, so they can feel the excitement and realize it’s about creating magic with just the two of you doing exactly what you want to do on your elopement day.

4. Set Some Boundaries, No Drama Allowed:

Time to draw a line in the sand! It’s essential to set clear boundaries if your people are having a hard time with your elopement. Let them know you hear them, but at the end of the day, it’s your call. Be respectful but firm, showing them that their support means everything, even if they aren’t physically there. Make it clear that drama stays outside of the elopement zone!

5. Let Them Join the Fun (in a Different Way):

If your loved ones are like, “We wanna be part of the action!”, offer alternative ways for them to be involved. Plan a post-elopement celebration where you can share all the juicy details and reveal all of your elopement pics or an elopement film viewing party. They get a front-row seat to relive your love story, even if they missed out on the main event. It’s a win-win!

You can also include them on the elopement day via a FaceTime Call to say hi, wearing or carrying some of their belongings or in the months leading up to the elopement as helpers to your planning. Who knows… maybe planning out your epic adventure will only make them more excited for the two of you!?

6. Focus on the Positives, Like the Real Rockstars You Are:

As you plan your drama-free elopement, keep your focus on all the incredible aspects of doing things your way. Talk about the freedom to express yourselves fully, the chance to create an oh-so-personal experience, and the opportunity to make memories in the most epic places. Get them pumped up about all the awesome things that make an elopement, well, freaking awesome.

7. Surround Yourself with Your Ride-or-Dies:

While you’re on this elopement planning rollercoaster, link up with people who get where you’re coming from. Find other couples who have rocked the elopement world or join online communities filled with laid-back elopement enthusiasts. Surrounding yourselves with a squad that vibes with your vision will keep you sane and feeling the love, especially when you’re dealing with potentially sticky situations with your own support system.

8. Plan an Epic Adventure:

One of the perks of eloping is the chance to embark on an epic adventure together. From awe-inspiring mountains to stunning beaches or quaint city streets, choose a location that aligns with your wildest dreams. Discuss possible destinations with your partner, do some research, and let the excitement build as you plan an unforgettable journey that perfectly matches your love story.

9. Create Meaningful Rituals:

Make your elopement truly unique by incorporating meaningful rituals and traditions that are personal to you as a couple. Whether it’s writing your own vows, exchanging meaningful gifts, or incorporating a cultural ceremony, infuse your elopement with the things that matter most to you. By creating these special moments, you’ll make your elopement even more unforgettable and meaningful.

10. Embrace the Unexpected:

One of the beautiful things about eloping is the chance to be spontaneous and embrace the unexpected. Leave room for unplanned adventures, surprise encounters, or impromptu experiences. Being open to unexpected moments can lead to magical memories that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. So, let go of rigid expectations and let the elopement journey unfold in its own magical way.

To Wrap it Up:

Planning a drama-free elopement, despite differing opinions, is all about keeping being open and honest and setting your boundaries. Remember to keep the convo flowing, understand where your peeps are at, paint a killer picture of your elopement dreams, let them know when they’re overstepping, find ways to let them join the party, stay focused on the good stuff, surround yourself with your ride-or-dies, plan an epic adventure, create meaningful rituals, and embrace the unexpected. With these tips, you’ll breeze through any potential drama and create an elopement experience that’s as cool as you are.

What ways did you help curb the drama for your own elopement? Leave these in the comments below!

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