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Creating Community and Overcoming Social Anxiety Through the Twin Cities’ Newest Social Club

March 19, 2024


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Manifesting Photographer Podcast Show Notes

In a recent episode of The Manifesting Photographer Podcast, host Breeanna and guest Madi Simat dive into the transformative journey of overcoming social anxiety and the importance of building a supportive community. The podcast episode offers valuable lessons about taking initiative, fostering growth, and following one’s true calling.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be the Initiator: Instead of waiting for opportunities, become proactive in creating connections and cultivating community.
  • Overcome Limitations: Address personal struggles such as social anxiety by stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences.
  • Authenticity and Intentionality: Genuine community building requires creating spaces where authenticity thrives and interactions are intentional.

Embracing New Roles and Identities

One of the principal themes explored in the transcript concerns embracing new personal roles and the identity shifts that can occur as a result. Madi shares her experience of changing her last name after marriage and the subsequent identity crisis it provoked. She chose to attach her new last name to the club she founded as a means to redefine herself and step into new responsibilities.

“So when it came time for me to change my last name, I really wanted to make something of the new person that I felt like I was stepping into the role of wife…”

By sharing this narrative, Maddie taps into a broader conversation about how life changes propel us to reassess and rebuild our identities. It reinforces the idea that through initiative and creativity, one can navigate these transitions constructively.

Saying Yes to Opportunities

Another significant theme is the power of saying ‘yes’ to opportunities for personal growth, as highlighted by Maddie’s transition from suffering from social anxiety to actively seeking out experiences that push her out of her comfort zone. By reframing her mindset and taking a proactive approach to new endeavors, Maddie has been able to capitalize on various opportunities, from modeling to starting the Simat Social Club.

“…I just said yes to every opportunity that came my way, and I really didn’t allow myself to think too much about it…”

This narrative suggests broader implications of how saying ‘yes’ can serve as a catalyst for overcoming social fears and as a driver for remarkable life experiences, thereby encouraging listeners to apply the same principle to their lives.

Creating Welcoming Spaces

Madi’s aspiration to build community intersects with her intention to create environments devoid of judgment, where people can feel included and accepted. The purpose of the Samat Social Club is to host events that provide a platform for connection and betterment, embracing everyone interested in personal growth and shared experiences. Authenticity and intentionality stand at the core of her vision.

“And when I say experiences, we host events…aim to create a really welcoming environment where people can come together.”

This concept underscores the notion that developing a strong community is not only about gathering people in one place but also about ensuring those individuals feel seen, heard, and valued. By crafting spaces that foster genuine interaction, individuals can contribute to the advancement of collective well-being.

Beyond the Club: Broadening Horizons

Reflecting on the insights provided by Madi during The Manifesting Photographer Podcast, it’s clear that her experiences hold universal value. Whether one is aspiring to overcome personal limitations or aiming to catalyze social engagement, the core principles of being a proactive initiator, embracing new opportunities, and building authentic communities can significantly impact both individual and collective growth. Madi’s actions serve not only as a roadmap for those looking to find their community but also offer a template for others who aspire to create such communities themselves. Through her work, Madi demonstrates how genuine connections and meaningful interactions can transform lives and foster a sense of unity. 

By sharing these lessons, Madi not only encourages listeners to create their clubs or foster community spirit but also to live authentically, pursue their passions, and dynamically engage with the world around them. It’s a call to action, urging each individual to contribute to the fabric of their communities consciously, and wholeheartedly.

Notable Quotes:

  • “Instead, I changed the mindset into I’m going to be the one to ask others to do things. I’m going to be the one to create that community.”
  • “Life is better when you enjoy what you do.”
  • “Everyone deserves community and everyone struggles with it at one point in their life, and I want to be and create a space where they can come and just feel all the love.”
  • “Creating a place that doesn’t feel fake. Everyone is just genuine.”


Listen to the full episode to hear Madi dive deeper into her inspiring journey and the transformative power of community and self-belief.

About the Guest:

Madi Simat is an inspiring figure based in the Twin Cities, Minnesota area who is actively creating a vibrant community through her innovative initiative, the Simat Social Club. Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavors in building community through hosted events and workshops, Madi has also pursued a degree in digital marketing at Concordia St. Paul, and part-time study in cosmetology. Besides academics, she works as a part-time nanny and models alongside her husband, underlining her multifaceted talents and commitment to numerous personal interests.

BREEANNA KAY’S INSTAGRAM:  @breeannakayphotography

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